Recent advances in social survey, quantity and quality researches and assessment methods
have provided economically advanced countries with some tools to respond their needs in
several types of information and data. Many countries now have valid, reliable, comparable,
measurable and interpretable data and benchmarks on their needs and priorities of children,
adult and youth populations, and the ability to benchmark their situation with other countries at
similar pace and level of development. In fact, update researches, surveys and assessments
have provided the developed countries with tools and instruments to gauge their progress, and
find out their further development and initiative requirements.
HTRC has been gradually expanding its focus in addition to translation and professional
editing projects towards professional and academic case- studies, researches and surveys.
Now, we have our own professional team of researchers with high skills and experiences and
strong research backgrounds who possess high proficiency in foreign languages to use the
modern theoretical concepts, professional methods and frameworks ,and yet have conducted
several research programs on several areas such as: human rights (particularly women and
children rights), language, literature, social protection, labour market, civil society, notions and...